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Where do you Stand?

The right fielder should be midway between the first and second baseman about half way from the infield to the outfield fence for the average batter. The distance from the foul line to the right fielder should be about half the distance to the center fielder when the center fielder is playing “straight away” or directly on the line from home through second.

The right fielder should be adjusted forward and backward but rarely side to side based on the situation. If the winning run is on first and you want to guard the right field line then maybe move the right fielder a couple of steps toward the line. Otherwise they should be moved only forward or back.


The right fielder has priority over the infielders on all fly balls and gives way only to the center fielder. On all throws to first base, the right fielder is responsible for backing up the base. On throws to second from left field or third, the right fielder is responsible for backing up the base. On all flies and grounders to the right side of the infield the right fielder should assume that they are the one who will get the ball (even if someone else is closer) and go for it unless called off by the center fielder. The right fielder should call for any fly ball they can catch that is between themselves and the infielders. The right fielder is responsible for covering first base on passed balls.


The right fielder should catch the ball moving toward the infield when possible. The right fielder should catch the ball with both hands when possible. The right fielder should expect any line drive between them and the foul line to curve toward the foul line. When backing up the center fielder on a ball between them the right fielder should run toward a position about 10-15 feet behind the center fielder. On hard hit balls right at the right fielder, if they are not caught on the fly the right fielder may be able to throw out the batter at first. Otherwise, almost all throws should be toward second base. On all balls which the right fielder can get without going back, the throw should be directly to second, not to the “cut off man.” The throw should always be low enough to be caught by the cut off man but the distance of the throw is so short that it just delays the arrival of the ball at second to have the cut off man catch the ball unless it is badly off line.

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